Drag-and-drop a video file and subtitle file to this page, or browse

Drag-and-drop a video file, or browse

Drag-and-drop a subtitles file (vtt, srt or ass), or browse

There was an error loading the video file {{videoFileName}}. Try a different file. Note that your browser may not support certain file formats like HEVC/H.265 video or AC3 audio. See Tips.

Browser error message: {{videoErrorMessage}}
There was an error parsing the subtitles file {{subtitlesFileName}}. {{subtitlesError}}
Anki Export
Move backward/forward
Move backward/forward
Replay caption
Toggle auto pause mode
Skip next auto pause. Only applies in auto pause mode.
Toggle subtitle visibility on/off
Copy current subtitle text to clipboard
Copy screenshot of video to clipboard
Move video to the middle of the previous caption and take a screenshot. Hold 'Shift' to move only.
Move video to the middle of the next caption and take a screenshot. Hold 'Shift' to move only.
b (or double click sidebar edge)
Collapse/expand sidebar
Hide content in parentheses (configurable in the 'Appearance' tab)
Open help menu
Cycle through available audio tracks. Currently (as of July 2020), this only works in Chrome and other chromium-based browsers if enable-experimental-web-platform-features is enabled in chrome://flags. On Firefox, media.track.enabled must be set to true in about:config.
- / =
Decrease/Increase subtitle font size
Page Up/Page Down
OP Skip. Move backward/forward 87 seconds.
m / n
Increase/Decrease playback speed.
Full screen toggle. This is a browser shortcut.
Shift D
Download retimed subs as an srt file
Add context to most recent anki card (requires the Animebook Chrome extension to be installed)

Error: could not load appearance settings from local storage. Your browser may be blocking sites from storing data in your browser.

Video alignment

Subtitle font size

Hide text matching regex

Whenever you hit the h key, any text content matching these regexes will be hidden. Defaults to hiding parentheses.

Regex to hide

*Settings are stored in the browser's local storage. For Ungoogled Chromium users, these settings may not stick across browser sessions, since the default setting is to "Clear cookies and site data when you close all windows".

Video format support (last update January 2023)

If you find your video can't play, or that your video will play but there's no audio, it's almost always because your browser can't play the file's video or audio codec. This is the case with HEVC/H.265 video and AC3 audio, which browsers still have trouble supporting due to licensing issues. Current state of browser support:

Chrome and other Chromium based browsers (Windows/Mac)
Will play almost any file that doesn't use AC3 audio
Microsoft Edge
Uses Chromium and technically supports AC3 audio, but I had visual jittering issues when I tried it with HEVC video; this may be because I didn't buy HEVC Video Extensions from the Microsoft Store*
Chromium based browsers (Linux)
Support for HEVC video is spotty at the moment, but some browsers like Thorium support it. AC3 audio is not supported
Will play few video formats
Everything else
Probably not a good option

So, if you want animebook to play basically everything, the Marmaduke all-codecs+ builds of chromium are your best bet, and you can install Yomichan on it (instructions below). However, these builds are only made for Windows, and I'm unaware of a way to get a Chromium build for OSX or Linux with both the HEVC and AC3 flags enabled (other than by compiling Chromium yourself). So for lack of a good option at the moment, I'll deflect to suggesting Thorium if you're not on Windows, which does support HEVC video. Just not AC3 audio, which is relatively rare for anime releases anyway.

Marmaduke Chromium installation instructions:

  1. Find and install a Marmaduke all-codecs+ build of Chromium on https://chromium.woolyss.com. Make sure both the tags "Marmaduke" and "all-codecs+" (with the PLUS sign) are tagged on the release.
  2. Enable the Chrome web store, by manually installing https://github.com/NeverDecaf/chromium-web-store into Chromium (this is required because the Chromium build is ungoogled)
*I used to recommend Microsoft Edge with HEVC Video Extensions to watch HEVC video on animebook, but as of October 2020 the Microsoft store started charging money for HEVC support, so I removed it from the browser list. It technically does support AC3 audio though, unlike Ungoogled Chromium.

Automatic Anki Export (February 2021)

Animebook now supports exporting flashcards to Anki with a Chrome extension. It's meant to work together with Yomichan, so if you're interested, you can download it here.


To use the Animebook Chrome extension,

  1. Click the extension to open its settings
  2. Configure the Anki deck, model, and fields you want to export to
  3. Add a word to Anki using a tool like Yomichan
  4. Select and highlight the subtitle text you want on your card
  5. Hit the plus button
  6. Wait for the most recent card in your Anki to get a screenshot, audio, and text added to it